Friday, 7 October 2011

Dedicated to trees!

I have,all my life,lived in a town. A town full of trees. And to top it all i live in a beautiful and cozy house almost 38 years old. With its backyard full of trees..I have always cherished the greenery all around. It reminds me of happiness.Bliss.Though I am not at all a garden person(honest confession),I always love the company of trees.May it be a morning walk through the shelter of trees on a bright sunny morning or a calm soothing breeze under a huge granddad banyan tree,I love to be soothed by the trees. They are nature's closest miracles!
The lane which I live in is beautifully decorated with trees on both the sides. The trees are like a pandal coloured in green celebrating the gift of life.My room,specifically onlooking the road benefits from it the most. The rain drops drenching from the leaves and branches keep my room lively night and day. In the summers,when I am busy studying blaming the heat,these very trees do the job of a cooler-cum-air conditioner. That of cost. And above all..they do not expect anything in return. They are happy and all smiles with the yearly rain they get from the almighty and keep on spreading the happiness all around. At least to them who want it the most.
These trees are my best friends in a sense..though i never have shown it..or given any B-F-F cards to them..they indeed are! They have heard all my late night phone calls. Seen me dancing for something that made me happy..And also..have patiently stood by my sobs. They have provided me the much needed comfort when I was home-alone. Because they are something which I always have by side. Even if I go out of station..I find them..or their long lost cousins everywhere.They are awesomeness. They have been a garage for my little moped. They have seen me growing up. From 4-wheeled cycle to a shining car..they have seen me learn things..they have seen me overcoming fears..and also having new ones.!
And one day I come home from my college. And they aren't there! They are been cut mercilessly.Reason:they were obstructing the various cables! Its logical but hard to accept. Like when a dear one is kept one a artificial life-support system. Its logical they have to go. But its hurting. I stood there..watching them leave. Classified on the basis of usage. Timber and gum. Thorns and leaves. I couldn't help it! cursed myself but didn't say anything aloud..And what was the point anyway..They weren't here to listen what I was crying for!
Next morning,I woke up early for everyone's astonishment. Reason: not the melancholy of them being cut(lets be honest),but the direct sunlight..Trees weren't there to give me that extra sleep like you get in your aunt's house in vacations! I ran to the balcony and saw the little left over portion-the base of the trees.It was so deep was difficult to be cut down. And that made me smile a little..years from now..trees will be back again..Being a world to they were and are for me.!